Shooting a full moon last night
I've never been happy with my shots of a full moon. I've gotten good results with non-full moons but nothing I've liked with a full moon. Last night I decided to try to follow Tony Northrup's instructions to see what I got.I was shooting my Canon M6 on manual. ISO 100, 1/60 second f/8.0 with a Tokina 400mm lens, tripod mounted shutter fired by remote. Manual focus.I stacked seven images using Registax and Tony's wavelet presets. My first attempt at stacking the results didn't come out like I wanted.Nothing too terribly exciting. I decided to try the stacking with some old non-full moon shots I'd liked and got much better results.
It was easy to see why it looked much better. Figuring I'd blown out the full moon a bit I did some Lightroom editing. I dropped the exposure -1.07. Dropped the contrast (yes dropped) -43. I dropped the highlights -7 and whites by -31. I upped the shadows +29 and blacks +33. I re-exported things and restacked the images. Getting better but still not quite there.
I then edited the seven images in Photoshop to add a high pass filter (4.1) as linear light. I exported the edited images and stacked them again. Now I'm fairly happy.